changeling times

trials and tribulations of eclectic chicken

only the registrar…. February 22, 2013

Filed under: cancer — eclectic chicken @ 1:10 pm
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…so that’s okay then.

That explains my overlong visit and descent into worry… the person I saw on Monday is a new(ish) and enthusiastic registrar. No wonder I was in there so long.

Yesterday was R-CHOP (chemo) number 5.

Having had a vomiting session the day before (very like the one at the beginning of this cycle- but not worth going into hospital with) I was weak as a kitten and slept through most of the chemo drip, waking up in time for my ham sandwich and trifle to be brought to me.

As the nurse in charge of my chemo session had to go and book me in with the consultant for my intrathecal (lumbar puncture) chemo I asked her to also check which scan I would actually be going for as Tuesdays doctor had changed the original referral to a PET – which I could see the point of more -especially as the registrar (well..i know he’s a registrar NOW) had said a CAT scan was just a glorified X-Ray.

She came back with the news that the CAT scan stands.

Not sure the registrar still will much longer if he keeps messing with the consusltant 🙂

So… thats sorted… and with that knowledge it chips away at  the hypothetical future worry fest he initiated… It’s nice to know theres a plan B and a plan C before they give up on me….but I think I prefer the ‘lets get this plan over with before opening the next door wide open’ method.

So…. CAT scan a couple of weeks from now and THEN I look at the options.

With my consultant.

..oh and Monday will be my last intrathecal chemo… thanks christ for that!



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